

Website Manager

BRUNEL SAS, Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of €591,600, with its registered office at the Industrial Zone of the Pilaterie – 16 rue Harald Stammbach – FR 59290 WASQUEHAL, registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number B 378 517 148 – SIRET number: 378 517 148 000 11 – Intra-Community VAT number: FR 04 378 517 148.

General Manager: Jean-Pierre DANO

Phone: +33 (0) 3 20 43 21 80 – Fax: +33 (0) 3 20 43 21 90

To contact us, please preferably use the contact form on the website by clicking here.

Website Published by

Industrial Zone of the Pilaterie
16 rue Harald Stammbach
LILLE Trade and Companies Register B 378 517 148
Phone: +33 (0) 3 20 43 21 80 – Fax: +33 (0) 3 20 43 21 90

Website Creation

Web Design & Development: DevOnly – Clément Bellier

Trademark Rights

The company names, trademarks, and distinctive signs reproduced on the website are protected under trademark law. Reproduction or representation of all or part of any of the aforementioned signs is strictly prohibited and must be subject to prior written authorization from the trademark owner.

Creation of Links to the Website

Any hyperlink pointing to the content of the website must be subject to authorization from the publication director. This authorization does not apply to websites disseminating controversial, pornographic, xenophobic information or information that may, to a greater extent, affect the sensitivity of the majority or public order.

Right of Access and Modification of User Data

The user is informed that their personal data collected through contact forms, newsletter subscription forms, contests, surveys, or any other questionnaire, is processed by BRUNEL. “Personal Information” means any information that identifies a person. This will most often be a name, address, phone number, or email address.

The information collected is considered strictly confidential and is intended for the exclusive use of BRUNEL.

Certain specific information requested in online forms is mandatory.

CNIL Declaration and Personal Data

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms, the processing of personal data collected on the website has been declared to the National Commission for Data Processing and Liberties. The user has the right to access, modify, correct, and delete data concerning them. This right can be exercised by writing to Brunel SAS – Service gestion du Site internet Starwax – CS 80206 – F 59445 WASQUEHAL or by email at [email protected]. This email address is protected against spambots, JavaScript must be enabled to view it.

Network Security and Confidentiality

While we implement all means to ensure network security and confidentiality, messages you send us via the Internet may be intercepted by malicious persons. Their confidentiality cannot be guaranteed until they reach us. Ensure you do not disclose unnecessary, sensitive, or third-party personal or confidential information.

Moreover, the origin of electronic messages we receive may be falsified. To obtain more information on the procedures to follow in this type of problem, which remains rare despite everything, please contact BRUNEL SAS in writing.

Use of Information on the Website and Copyright

The use of any document from the website is authorized solely for informational purposes for private use. Any use made for other purposes is expressly prohibited. BRUNEL SAS strives to ensure, to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of information disseminated on the website, which it reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice. It is up to each site user to verify the information through other means, including contacting the company. BRUNEL SAS disclaims any responsibility:

  • for any inaccuracy, error, or omission relating to the information available on the website;
  • for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the website; and, more generally,
  • for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature, or consequences, caused by anyone accessing the website or the inability to access it, as well as the use of the website and/or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from it.

Furthermore, unless otherwise stated, intellectual property rights over documents contained on the website and each element created for this website are the exclusive property of BRUNEL SAS or its suppliers, as the latter do not grant any license, nor any right other than that of consulting the website.

The reproduction of any elements published on the website is authorized exclusively for informational purposes for personal and private use; any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited.

All trademarks mentioned on the website belong to their respective companies. All products, logos, images, and generally all multimedia objects and texts cited on the pages of the website are the exclusive property of their respective trademark. The photographs reproducing the products are non-contractual.

Technical Information

The website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to communication network structures, or technical difficulties. For maintenance reasons, BRUNEL SAS or any duly authorized service provider acting on behalf of BRUNEL SAS may temporarily interrupt the website at any time.